Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Speech History of Mental Illness - 991 Words

Speech: History of Mental Illness Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how treatment of mental illness in America has changed. Central Idea: Treatment of mental illness in America from past, to present. INTRODUCTION I What is Mental Illness? Mental illnesses are disorders of the brain that disrupt a persons thinking, feeling, moods, and ability to relate to others-and if severe interferes with all aspects of daily living. A. The care and support of people with mental illness affects everyone in society. 1. The National Mental Health Association reports that 40 million adult Americans are affected by mental disorders 2. 6.6 million Americans are disabled by†¦show more content†¦2. Believed mentally ill could be coaxed into normal adult hood though punishment, confinement and moral training. B. Hospitals criticized for abuse, mistreatment , overuse of restraint, and unethical medical Practices. 1. Charges of abuse begin in 1800s. The supernatant of central state hospital goes to Governor with concerns. 2. The lobotomy, electroshock, insulin shock, and other medical procedures seen as unethical, and harmful to many. (Transition) Until the 1950s States continued opening State Hospitals, to house all mental and MRDD patients. However, the invention of drugs used to treat mental illness changed the rules. Suddenly patients that seemed hopeless could be helped with medicine, and possibly function in the community. II Anti-psychotics change the field of psychology. A. Throazine, other major tranquilizers developed 1952 - The French psychiatrists Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker report that Thorazine  ® calms hospitalized chronic schizophrenic patients without causing clinically significant depression. The drug is called hibernotherapie because patients became quiet, likeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article Vandalized By Gregory Rodriguez960 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States. 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